Sales Agreement | MatSet

Sales Agreement


This Agreement has been signed between the following parties within the framework of the terms and conditions stated below.

"RECIPIENT" ; (hereinafter referred to as "BUYER" in the contract)

Name and Surname: ........................

Address: ........................

"SELLER" ; (hereinafter referred to as "SELLER" in the contract)

Name and Surname: ........................

Address: ........................

By accepting this contract, the BUYER accepts in advance that if he approves the order subject to the contract, he will be obliged to pay the price subject to the order and additional fees, such as shipping fee and tax, if any, and that he has been informed about this.


In the implementation and interpretation of this agreement, the terms written below will express the written explanations opposite them.

  • MINISTER: Minister of Customs and Trade,
  • MINISTRY: Ministry of Customs and Trade,
  • LAW: Law on Consumer Protection No. 6502,
  • REGULATION: Distance Contracts Regulation (OG: 27.11.2014/29188)
  • SELLER: The company that offers goods to the consumer within the scope of its commercial or professional activities or acts on behalf or on behalf of the offerer of goods,
  • BUYER: Real or legal person who acquires, uses or benefits from a good or service for commercial or non-professional purposes,
  • SITE: The website of the SELLER,
  • ORDERER: Real or legal person who requests a good or service through the SELLER's website,
  • CONTRACT: This agreement concluded between the SELLER and the BUYER,
  • GOODS: It refers to the movable goods that are subject to shopping.
  • Subject

    This Agreement, in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Consumer Protection No. 6502 and the Regulation on Distance Contracts, regarding the sale and delivery of the product whose qualifications and sales price are specified below, which the BUYER ordered electronically through the website of the SELLER, regulates its obligations.

    The prices listed and announced on the site are the sales price. Declared prices and promises are valid until updated or changed. Prices announced periodically are valid until the end of the specified period.

    Seller Information

    Title: ........................

    Address: ........................

    Phone: ........................

    Fax: ........................

    E-Mail: ........................

    Buyer Information

    Person to be delivered: ........................

    Delivery Address: ........................

    Phone: ........................

    Fax: ........................

    E-Mail / Username: .........................

    Order Information

    Name / Surname, Title: .........................

    Delivery Address: ........................

    Phone: ........................

    Fax: ........................

    E-Mail / Username: .........................

    Contract Product(s) Information

  • The basic features (type, quantity, brand/model, color, quantity) of the Good/Product(s)/Service are published on the SELLER's website. If a campaign has been organized by the seller, you can review the basic features of the relevant product during the campaign. Valid until the campaign date.
  • The prices listed and announced on the site are the sales price. Declared prices and promises are valid until updated or changed. Prices announced periodically are valid until the end of the specified period.
  • The sales price of the goods or services subject to the contract, including all taxes, is shown below.
  • The shipping fee, which is the cost of shipping the product, will be paid by the BUYER.
  • Product / Service Description Quantity Unit Price Subtotal (VAT included)
    ........................ ........................ .....